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Panel Upgrade


Fuse Panels with outdated wiring should be replaced with Breaker Panels to ensure safe, consistent electrical supply.  Saving on Home Insurance is an added bonus!

Service Upgrade


Are you constantly tripping breakers or blowing fuses when you use a few appliances at once? Are you considering buying an electric vehicle?

Increase your power capacity with more Amps! 

Extreme Weather Preparation

Generators are mighty handy in a power outage!  Let us set you up with a GenerLink system or generator panel that will keep your fridge running and your home cozy when the power goes out.


Repair/replace/install lighting fixtures​

Are you tired of that old chandelier dangling over your dinner table? Do you need a flashlight to find your way around your storage room? Would you like to light up your backyard or path to the house for added security? Maybe you'd like a switch at the top AND the bottom of your stairs.

We install pot lights, outdoor, closet lighting and many more contemporary fixtures to modernize your home and keep you in the light. 

Safety First

Is your smoke detector hard wired into a lighting circuit? Do you have curious toddlers and would feel more at ease with tamper resistant receptacles? Plugs near water sources without Ground Fault Circuit Interruptors are a no no.

We offer our clients safe alternatives and with that, peace of mind. 


Custom Builds

Electrical construction for new, custom build homes. Full wiring, service install, to home completion. Ability to pull build permits and coordinate electrical inspections through local authority.

If you’d like more information about our features, get in touch today.

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